Young Global Leaders

In partnership with the world-leading Beijing Language and Culture University, our mission is to develop YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS through a summer program of language, learning and community service.
Objectives 目標:
To provide a unique & dynamic program for overseas students
向海外學生提供一個高質素和多采多姿的北京留學課程 -
To increase Chinese literacy through proficiency workshops
透過高效的工作坊提高學生的中文程度 -
To expose students to specific topical subjects
帶領學生了解及討論熱門話題 -
To broaden students’ global perspective through community service
The program will mainly focus on the following four areas:
Language - Public speaking, debate, drama, oral & written assessments
Community Service - On & Off campus opportunities, hospice visits, social immersion
Excursions & Sports - Teacher-guided tours reinforced with in-class lectures, movies, projects
Culture & Topical Subject - Architecture, Chinese history, ancient arts & crafts
Individual Enrolments – Our two-week program is normally scheduled for mid-July and sign-ups are available in November of the previous year.
School Programs – Customized programs for schools can also be arranged anytime in the year. Please contact us directly for enquiries.
Find out more from our Facebook Page and testimonials.