
RoboCode offers dynamic programs using cutting edge technology for children ages 4-15 years old. Originated from Japan (Artec Edison Academy) incorporating the S.T.E.A.M. approach, our courses will help children understand, design, build and program robots, as well as animation. The student will learn about engineering, coding and creative thinking. All our programs are based upon the innate passion and curiosity of children to help them become the engineers and designers.
Our Mission is to:
Nurture creativity and logical thinking in children
Encourage children to apply their knowledge using technology
Develop the innovators of tomorrow

Course Description
Logical Kids (age 4-7)
Can one "teach" logic and critical thinking? As these skills are not mere facts that can be memorized but more a state of mind, conventional "studying" may not be able to achieve the needed proficiency. In this day and age, as information becomes easily accessible, it is increasingly important to know how to sort and apply that knowledge.
Studies have shown that certain activities can help develop the cognitive domain in a child's mind. Hence, RoboCode: Logical Kids has seized this opportunity and developed this program to help enhance logical thinking in kids.
By using logic boards and simple programming blocks, we will guide children to become systematic and logical thinkers. With a foundation built over 55 years of developing educational materials in Japan, our course uses an award-winning patented building module to construct different projects. This building system, versus conventional blocks, adds tremendous sophistication and creativity in all projects.
This is a foundation course for children to develop the following life-long skills:
Logical Thinking
Spatial Recognition
Reasoning and Perseverance
Coding Kids (age 7-12+)
We believe that our course provides the optimum balance between learning Robotics and Coding for children. We feature (i) our patented Building Modules for dynamic construction, (ii) an Open-Source Programming Environment - where children can drag and drop icons or convert any Scratch programs into Arduino systems, and (iii) built-in connectors for motors, sensors, and LEDs.
This is a progressive course with levels ranging from L1 to L12. Projects may involve building and programming Light Sensors to Earthquake Detectors, making Robots that move on Line Tracers and overcome Obstacles and Airplane Launchers and constructing Eight-Axis Mimesis and Game Creators. The possibilities and fun are infinite.
Requirement: Students are required to have a computer with them to attend the classes.