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Stepan Artemyev
Stepan Artemyev

DataPoint Standard 150 License Key 31

The regulations in this part are promulgated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (68 Stat. 919), and Title II of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (88 Stat. 1242), to provide for the licensing of production and utilization facilities. This part also gives notice to all persons who knowingly provide to any licensee, applicant, contractor, or subcontractor, components, equipment, materials, or other goods or services, that relate to a licensee's or applicant's activities subject to this part, that they may be individually subject to NRC enforcement action for violation of 50.5.

DataPoint Standard 150 License Key 31

(2) When applied to other types of facilities or portions of such facilities for which construction permits are issued under 50.23, a component, structure, system or part thereof that is directly procured by the construction permit holder for the facility subject to the regulations of this part and in which a defect or failure to comply with any applicable regulation in this chapter, order, or license issued by the Commission could create a substantial safety hazard.

Exclusion area means that area surrounding the reactor, in which the reactor licensee has the authority to determine all activities including exclusion or removal of personnel and property from the area. This area may be traversed by a highway, railroad, or waterway, provided these are not so close to the facility as to interfere with normal operations of the facility and provided appropriate and effective arrangements are made to control traffic on the highway, railroad, or waterway, in case of emergency, to protect the public health and safety. Residence within the exclusion area shall normally be prohibited. In any event, residents shall be subject to ready removal in case of necessity. Activities unrelated to operation of the reactor may be permitted in an exclusion area under appropriate limitations, provided that no significant hazards to the public health and safety will result.

Federal Government funding for conversion means funds appropriated to the Department of Energy or to any other Federal Agency to pay directly to or to reimburse non-power reactor licensees for costs attendant to conversion.

Fuel acceptable to the Commission means that the fuel replacing the existing HEU fuel in a specific non-power reactor (1) meets the operating requirements of the existing license or, through appropriate NRC safety review and approval, can be used in a manner which protects public health and safety and promotes the common defense and security; and (2) meets the Commission's policy of limiting, to the maximum extent possible, the use of HEU fuel in that reactor.

License means a license, including a construction permit or operating license under this part, an early site permit, combined license or manufacturing license under part 52 of this chapter, or a renewed license issued by the Commission under this part, part 52, or part 54 of this chapter.

Permanent cessation of operation(s) means, for a nuclear power reactor facility, a certification by a licensee to the NRC that it has permanently ceased or will permanently cease reactor operation(s), or a final legally effective order to permanently cease operation(s) has come into effect.

Prototype plant means a nuclear reactor that is used to test design features, such as the testing required under 50.43(e). The prototype plant is similar to a first-of-a-kind or standard plant design in all features and size, but may include additional safety features to protect the public and the plant staff from the possible consequences of accidents during the testing period.

(b) Distribution requirements. Copies of all correspondence, reports, and other written communications concerning the regulations in this part or individual license conditions must be submitted to the persons listed below (addresses for the NRC Regional Offices are listed in appendix D to part 20 of this chapter).

(1) Applications for amendment of permits and licenses; reports; and other communications. All written communications (including responses to: generic letters, bulletins, information notices, regulatory information summaries, inspection reports, and miscellaneous requests for additional information) that are required of holders of operating licenses or construction permits issued pursuant to this part, must be submitted as follows, except as otherwise specified in paragraphs (b)(2) through (b)(7) of this section: to the NRC's Document Control Desk (if on paper, the signed original), with a copy to the appropriate Regional Office, and a copy to the appropriate NRC Resident Inspector, if one has been assigned to the site of the facility.

(2) Applications for permits and licenses, and amendments to applications. Applications for construction permits, applications for operating licenses and amendments to either type of application must be submitted as follows, except as otherwise specified in paragraphs (b)(3) through (b)(7) in this section.

(i) Applications for licenses for facilities described in 50.21 (a) and (c) and amendments to these applications must be sent to the NRC's Document Control Desk, with a copy to the appropriate Regional Office. If the application or amendment is on paper, the submission to the Document Control Desk must be the signed original.

(ii) Applications for permits and licenses for facilities described in 50.21(b) or 50.22, and amendments to these applications must be sent to the NRC's Document Control Desk, with a copy to the appropriate Regional Office, and a copy to the appropriate NRC Resident Inspector, if one has been assigned to the site of the facility. If the application or amendment is on paper, the submission to the Document Control Desk must be the signed original.

(6) Updated FSAR. An updated Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) or replacement pages, under 50.71(e) must be submitted to the NRC's Document Control Desk, with a copy to the appropriate Regional Office, and a copy to the appropriate NRC Resident Inspector if one has been assigned to the site of the facility. Paper copy submissions may be made using replacement pages; however, if a licensee chooses to use electronic submission, all subsequent updates or submissions must be performed electronically on a total replacement basis. If the communication is on paper, the submission to the Document Control Desk must be the signed original. If the communications are submitted electronically, see Guidance for Electronic Submissions to the Commission.

(7) Quality assurance related submissions. (i) A change to the Safety Analysis Report quality assurance program description under 50.54(a)(3) or 50.55(f)(3), or a change to a licensee's NRC-accepted quality assurance topical report under 50.54(a)(3) or 50.55(f)(3), must be submitted to the NRC's Document Control Desk, with a copy to the appropriate Regional Office, and a copy to the appropriate NRC Resident Inspector if one has been assigned to the site of the facility. If the communication is on paper, the submission to the Document Control Desk must be the signed original.

(ii) A change to an NRC-accepted quality assurance topical report from nonlicensees (i.e., architect/engineers, NSSS suppliers, fuel suppliers, constructors, etc.) must be submitted to the NRC's Document Control Desk. If the communication is on paper, the signed original must be sent.

(8) Certification of permanent cessation of operations. The licensee's certification of permanent cessation of operations, under 50.82(a)(1), must state the date on which operations have ceased or will cease, and must be submitted to the NRC's Document Control Desk. This submission must be under oath or affirmation.

(9) Certification of permanent fuel removal. The licensee's certification of permanent fuel removal, under 50.82(a)(1), must state the date on which the fuel was removed from the reactor vessel and the disposition of the fuel, and must be submitted to the NRC's Document Control Desk. This submission must be under oath or affirmation.

(e) Conflicting requirements. The communications requirements contained in this section and 50.12, 50.30, 50.36, 50.36a. 50.44, 50.49, 50.54, 50.55, 50.55a, 50.59, 50.62, 50.71, 50.73, 50.82, 50.90, and 50.91 supersede and replace all existing requirements in any license conditions or technical specifications in effect on January 5, 1987. Exceptions to these requirements must be approved by the Office of the Chief Information Officer, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, telephone (301) 415-7233, e-mail

(a) Any licensee, applicant for a license, employee of a licensee or applicant; or any contractor (including a supplier or consultant), subcontractor, employee of a contractor or subcontractor of any licensee or applicant for a license, who knowingly provides to any licensee, applicant, contractor, or subcontractor, any components, equipment, materials, or other goods or services that relate to a licensee's or applicant's activities in this part, may not:

(1) Engage in deliberate misconduct that causes or would have caused, if not detected, a licensee or applicant to be in violation of any rule, regulation, or order; or any term, condition, or limitation of any license issued by the Commission; or

(2) Deliberately submit to the NRC, a licensee, an applicant, or a licensee's or applicant's contractor or subcontractor, information that the person submitting the information knows to be incomplete or inaccurate in some respect material to the NRC.

(a) Discrimination by a Commission licensee, an applicant for a Commission license, or a contractor or subcontractor of a Commission licensee or applicant against an employee for engaging in certain protected activities is prohibited. Discrimination includes discharge and other actions that relate to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment. The protected activities are established in section 211 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, and in general are related to the administration or enforcement of a requirement imposed under the Atomic Energy Act or the Energy Reorganization Act.


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