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Daniel Hall

Lich King Money Making Tactics And Tips

Down below in this WotLK Gold farming guide we will explore the most efficient ways of making money in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, which will be helpful both for new and returning players to venture through the fresh content with their pockets full.

lich king money making tactics and tips

Down below we will cover several top money-making professions to help you fill your pockets with precious currency. Also, you can read our WotLK Classic Profession guides to learn all about their bonuses and benefits.

Mining is probably the easiest and less demanding way of making money in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, since literally all the raw materials you gather are used in Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing, Engineering, and even in Leatherworking, which makes them extremely valuable in the market. Basically, all you need to do is to run (or fly) through the locations and gather all the ores you see.

Of course, crafting professions can also prove useful in making cash, since everyone needs gear and consumables to be efficient in dungeons and raids. However, Skinning, Herbalism, and Mining are by far easier in making huge amounts of gold in a fairly short period of time.

Making money on as an Ironman is significantly different to a main. This is because Ironmen accounts lack the ability to sell items on the grand exchange. As a result of this, Ironmen have to resort to alternative methods to make money. Making money in the early game is important, as it allows Ironman to fund their supply costs and daily activities.

Some players attempt to purchase gold from third party gold sellers. This form of making money is against Blizzard Entertainment's terms of service and may lead to a permanent ban on an account. It may also lead to real world identity theft or theft of the purchaser's WoW account depending on the reliability and intentions of the gold selling company.

There are four major money making strategies; farming, crafting, daily quests and using the auction house. The amount of gold earned depends on the dedication of the player, the economy of the auction house on the server, the server ratios of casual, serious and hardcore players and time periods surrounding a major patch.

This guide covers many of the ins and outs of both making money, and spending it wisely. Many players have "secret" strategies for making money that they wouldn't want to put in a public info site, since it gives them their edge in the marketplace. If you can gain the trust of a successful WoW tycoon, you should ask them some of their techniques. However, this guide covers many of the more common strategies.

Once your character makes it to Outland and beyond, cashflow frees up considerably. The quest rewards are much better than in Azeroth. In fact, a typical character will earn from 1000-1200 in quest rewards and vendor trash while leveling 60-70 in Outland, and perhaps 1400-1600 from 70-80 in Northrend. The tendency is, therefore, to spend more freely after one hits 60. However, it is important for players not to go crazy on their spending once they make it to Hellfire. One thing is, training costs, repair costs, and consumable costs are also higher. More important, there is a large purchase that you are going to want to make at some point after level 60, your first flying mount and skill. The "bird" costs 50, the skill will cost you far more. Not only that, but if you want to fly it in Northrend at level 70, you'll have to shell out another 500 for Cold Weather Flying. And for those characters who will be 'farming' herbs or ore in either Outland or Northrend, an elite flying mount is almost essential, as it helps you gather almost twice as fast. That's another 5000 you'll be looking at. Therefore, budgeting carefully during the 60-80 leveling process is essential to ensuring you have sufficient cash on hand for making those purchases. Saving your pennies early makes that bird appear that much sooner.

Note that these general principles do not apply to blue or purple items. If you are a first-time player, there is absolutely no reason to purchase these items. None. Sub-80 rare and epic items are only for the alts or twinks of established players that have money to waste by showing off. Blues and purples are completely cost-ineffective for first-time characters. Within a few levels, you will find green gear that is roughly comparable, or you'll get better blues from instance runs at the same level. So, do not buy these items, under any circumstances, to equip. This is especially true as your character gets closer to levels 58 and 68. Even the most basic quest-reward gear in Outland and Northrend will have substantially better stats than anything you can buy off the AH for a level 56 or 66 character. As such, smart players stop making AH gear purchases by about level 54 or so and then just gut it out until level 58. The same is true at levels 64-68. Within the first several quests in Outland and/or Northrend you'll have replaced half of your gear, guaranteed.

If you are dead set on leveling a production trade skill instead of taking two of the gathering skills, remember that not everything your trainer offers is worth buying. While it might be nice to have a long list of colorful shirts and dresses to produce as a tailor, for instance, the truth is they offer very little in the way of potential revenue. Also keep in mind that, generally, whatever items you craft at lower levels will not likely sell for more money than you could have made by simply selling the raw materials used to make them. For this reason, two gathering skills are highly recommended until you get closer to 80 (70 if you don't have the WotLK expansion or 60 if you don't have the TBC expansion).

World of Warcraft offers a lot of ways to make money (gold). There is no one "right" way to make money, although there are some definite wrong ways! Some people like to play the Auction House, some people do their daily quests, some people tend to farm, etc. Many characters do a combination of all three of these along with other activities. Below is a compendium of money-making methods.

The Auction House (AH) is a brilliant way of making money if you know the tricks on how to do it. The basic strategy with the AH is to buy things cheap, re-list them on the AH, and then sell them for a profit. Even better, of course, is to get good items from drops and then sell them on the Auction House for pure profit. Many players generate most or all of their cashflow simply by speculating on the AH. So a good understanding of the it, as well as some time to invest, is essential to turning it into a money-making proposition for you. It is also highly recommended that you get the Auctioneer addon for quick listing auctions, and knowing the average price of items.

The goblins of the Steamweedle cartel have set up several neutral auction houses about Azeroth. Gadgetzan, Booty Bay, and Everlook all house neutral auction houses. The neutral AH is useful for making money, as commodities that Alliance players can get easily can be sold at a profit to Horde players (or vice versa), who may then sell the product on their faction Auction House for a higher price. For example, [Recipe: Crispy Bat Wing] is sold by a single Horde-aligned vendor in Brill, and [Pattern: Herbalist's Gloves] is sold by a single Alliance vendor in Ashenvale. These recipes are only accessible to the other faction through the neutral Auction House, so they can often be sold for many times their purchase price.

If your guild runs PvE content, it's a good idea to join in! Guild runs generally have better communication with each other, resulting in receiving gear faster from dungeons and raids, running more frequently in a shorter amount of time, and in turn making more money from runs. In a well put together guild, members become a close knit community including financial and questing support, which are among the most profitable benefits. If you have not considered joining a guild as part of your strategy moving through the game, you may wish to strongly reconsider.

Another trick for higher level players is to do level 70 dailies during the Northrend level grind, and Northrend dailies during the Cataclysm levels. The quests are much easier at higher levels, but still award gold and EXP. If you have a hankering to get a Netherdrake, for instance, and you already have a fast flying mount (which is a pre-requisite for the drake), you will find your mid-70s an ideal time to go get that drake. Not only will the quests be a lot easier to do at level 75+, but the dailies will pay about 1200 as you level rep, and you'll get EXP along the way to boot (though usually less EXP per hour than you'd get for questing in Northrend.) Similarly, Northrend dailies award around 7 and 22,000 EXP each (13 23 at the level cap), and are very easy to complete at level 83 in full Cataclysm gear. So if you're looking for a break from the grind of leveling, and want to kick back, spank some level 69 mobs and make some decent money along the way, doing lower level dailies can be a fun way to make some extra cash.

There's a good chance you can buy the raw materials for 25% - 75% of the going rate of the finished item, or mine them for free. The fee for an 8 hour auction is only 1 silver, so you can afford to re-auction rods that don't sell the first time. Be careful of making too many rods or other parts of a kind at once, though, as you may get stuck with them for a long time when others produce the same item and set a cheaper price to it.

Selling enchants can also make some money, but usually only when you have very high level (over 400). Thus, enchanting is isn't really recommended as a good early money making source, particularly because its leveling costs are quite high.

Although cooking generally doesn't make money, at the top level you can cook foods which raiders use. These can sell for a few gold each, so if you buy cheap meats on the AH, or farm them yourself, you can earn a tidy profit. 041b061a72


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