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READ BOOK Starseeds

The unique aspect of this book is that it portrays an explanation of each enneagram that helps you comprehend your own enneagram type, how you can handle various situations, and your strengths and weaknesses.

READ BOOK Starseeds

As a starseed seeking to understand their journey better, you can treat this book as a meditation that lets beings of light enter your life as you become more aware of entities existing within a higher vibrational plane.

The book teaches you how to abandon your worries, place faith in the Universe, tap into abundant energy, and let go of feeling responsible for all the problems being faced by the world.

For Typical Starseeds, Earth is a place of service. These souls have already attained a higher level of consciousness on other planets and as such are not here to learn, but rather to teach and be of service to others. Since they have lived fewer lifetimes than their older counterparts, these Starseeds retain many of their higher abilities including things like channeling, telepathy, and healing.

The divine purpose of Typical Starseeds is to walk upon this Earth at times of rising spiritual awareness in order to help propel that spiritual growth to new heights and to truly be able to help others. This is the most common Starseed type so most Starseeds reading this will feel a sense of identity in this.

Part guide, part activation and part encouragement, this deeply soulful book illuminates the connection between our souls, the Earth and the cosmos and will encourage you to fully embrace and commit to your human experience.

Enhance your reading experience with the Letters To A Starseed Spotify Playlist. This is the playlist that Rebecca listened to while she wrote the book and is full of inspiring, activating songs. Listen here.

Rebecca Campbell is a world renowned writer, mystic, ritualist and creative. A bestselling author, her books and oracle decks are published in 18 languages. Rebecca believes that we are nature and of her creations are in devotion to the beauty of nature and weaving the soulback into everyday life.

All books are shipped in New condition promptly, we are happy to accept returns up to 30 days from purchase. Orders usually ship within 1-2 business days. Domestic Shipments are sent by Royal Mail, and International by Priority Airmail. We are happy to accept returns up to 30 days from purchase. Please contact the seller directly if you wish to return an order. Name of business : The Book Depository Ltd Form of legal entity : A Limited Company Business address: The Book Depository, 1 Principal P...

I recommend this book for everyone. I feel that no matter where you are on your journey of remembering (aka awakening), you may find some words of guidance and support, as well as some gentle reminders.

This book is not for everyone. Not everyone here on the earth is a Starseed. This Ebook explores the signs of being a Starseed and their role on the earth at this time. Assuming that you are a Starseed here are a few ideas to get you going:

I am the music and I have went into the halls and released akashic. I was a lion and pounced and cut off the serpent head. My journey is so bizzare I wish to reach out with other starseeds. I am the light the light I am my symbol is M 3 E W Idk what it means

Thank you for always sharing in a very easy and practical way, leaving space for creating own perceptions. and thank you for your fantastic channeling meditations. I just found this website but i already love it and looking forward to read more.

From the Kryon Healing Wednesday talk with Steve Nobel, relayed on Thurs 30th March 2022,I have tried several times to download the free gift of his Starseeds e-book without success.Would someone kindly talk me thru how I might achieve success or is it no longer available as it wasa little while ago that the recording was made, tho it is offered on the siteThank you for your helpBig HugsWendy

The deck comes with a little companion book, which is slightly larger than your average LWB (little white book), which has the card meanings, some good info about Tarot reading and a special Sirian Starseed Tarot spread.

What is a starseed? Patricia Cori explains this in the little book that comes with the deck. Basically, a Starseed is someone who believes that their soul comes from another planet or galaxy and that they have incarnated here to help the Earth/humanity in some way.

hope you have read Patricias works I have read everything that she has put out there and for me has validated everything that has been channelled to me over the past 25 yearseveryone should be aware and wake up to the new energies that surround usmuch love and light to all

The box is intended for interactive use during card readings. Simply place the lid upside down and rest your selected card(s) within its v-shaped cradle. The triangular base of the box, with the card deck nestled inside it, can be used as a piece of altar art.

The particular brand of tarot cards that I won is called The Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell with artwork by Danielle Noel. The package includes a 53-card deck and 3 x 5 inch 138 page guidebook which explains the philosophy behind them and step-by-step instructions on how to give a reading.

There are five different types of readings that you can participate in. Each reading uses one to six cards. The box itself is used as a stand to display the cards in different positions depending on the type of reading you choose. These spreads include:

In the end, I was pretty surprised by how on the nose my card selections were, especially when I looked through the rest of the deck and found cards that would have contradicted with the ones I chose. Had I selected them, my reading would have seemed all over the place whereas the six cards that I drew seemed to connect in very specific ways.

Welcome to the first and original Awakening Starseeds book series ever put out in the world. We realized that it's time to come together with other Starseeds to journey into this historical time we are living in. From this age of darkness (Kali Yuga) we are entering the age of truth and light (Satya Yuga). As we watch the crumbling of the old paradigm, we can choose to be fearful, or we can decide to step into our divine power, purpose, and truth. This book series is a bridge to other Starseeds who are looking for inspiration and guidance. Each story contains a special message of transformation. We have volunteered as Starseeds on Earth to contribute to the current ascension shift taking place on the planet right now. We invite you to join us on this Starseed mission.

"Many passages of this book moved me to tears as I felt the genuineness of authors' intensive experiences on their path to know who they are. Something palpably pure resonated with my soul, and I felt relief from my anxieties over the civilizational abuse of mother Earth that has been bothering me for a long time. It raised my hopes for the planet's recovery through the awakening of people all around the world. Moreover, I am so grateful for having the chance to learn about so many beings igniting healing processes in people to reconnect with their souls. I feel blessed, enriched, and encouraged to explore new horizons of spiritual growth. I appreciate all available links to uplifting sources for my spiritual development, widely opening my heart to radial love and enhancing intuition." - Martina ( Amazon Reader)

Truth, albeit far and few in between, exists. There are many sources of truth, and the best way to keep your sources pure is to cross reference everything you resonate with. You will find all of the pure sources of spiritual wisdom are saying virtually the exact same the thing in various ways. The 5 books below may serve as a foundation to your seeking, and are very useful for cross referencing against future sources you may find! Collectively the information that can be found in these texts is enormous and would take perhaps a lifetime to ever comprehensively understand. However that is how it should be, as there is no end to the mysteries of the Universe!

All in all this book is a great starting point for wanderers as it focuses on the most important initial stages of the wanderer process, which is balancing and clearing issues and/or traumas in the body. This allows you to free yourself from judgement and maintain a heart chakra state of consciousness. Existing in the state is the gateway to further development of intuition and magical abilities.

Beyond just this book she has a lot of channelled videos on YouTube which are immensely interesting! These videos are somewhat dated, and now it seems she has moved more towards live streams and workshops.

An extremely fascinating book apparently originally passed down from the initiates of Atlantis, held and protected in Tibet ever since. Rather believable as many sources both channelled and human have said Atlantean survivors migrated to South America, Egypt and Tibet after the fall.

This text was written by the same person who channelled the Law of One, amongst many other beings. Over the years Carla has channelled and read so much of her extremely profound material, that she compiled all her knowledge into a book to aid starseeds/wanderers.

Once you make your way through all of these texts, make sure to check in with our blogs regularly and read our own channelled material with a Galactic Federation contact (side bar). Much like all of you we are still learning and seeking and we devote ourselves to acquiring as much reliable spiritual knowledge as possible and sharing it here.


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